Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wikileaks Provokes a Storm

Glen Greenwald as always is the man on this.
Update: Glen posted this on his blog - thanks if you came by from there or from his twitter feed.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Should be hundreds of thousands, eh? The point stands though!

  2. I would like jade jewelry to strive these although I can imagine getting myself tied up in knots with the last one, lol.

  3. yes I came via Greenwald link to applaud your brilliance too.

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Well its a good thing you are a not a philosophy professor as you might lose even tenure for not understanding what moral relativism entails.

  5. Anonymous10:00 PM

    very aptly put ,applies to every political goons in every country

  6. Anonymous2:42 AM

    How true...
    By the way, aren't citizens supposed to be unworried about the gouvernment looking into their private lives as long as they have "nothing to hide"? Guess gouvernments have a lot to hide, or they wouldn't be worried... ;)

  7. Hello James, I posted this cartoon on my site with full attribution. I trust this is ok? If not will remove.
    All the best ;)

  8. Metanea - 0f course, no problem. Thanks!

  9. Of course!! wikileaks has done a brain storming impact over the world, including all diplomats. Now still they are trying to ban wikileaks instead of maintaining the peace level???????

  10. Anonymous1:04 PM

    That's hypocrisy, not moral relativism. It's so far away from moral relativism that someone could make the case that it's the complete opposite.

  11. Seeing this cartoon via Glenn Greenwald. Thanks for the spot on critique!

  12. pretty impressive way to matching up the things.
